

 KJV Psalms 15:1-5 1 LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. 3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour. 4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. 5 He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.

Pastor Ordained in East New Britain

 Paul Bolpalo a Minister of the Gospel in Seventh Day Adventist Church of East New Britian New Ireland Mission was ordained as a Pastor in Butuwin Seventh Day Asventist Church .  His ordination was witnessed by Pastors and Church Memebers of the Seventh Day Adevtntist Church of Butuwin SDA Church .  Pr Paul Bolpalo is the District Director of Pomio District of New Britian New Ireland Mission.  Insert Picture: Pr Paul and wife cutting a cake after his ordination  Story and Picture: Stanfield Rakawasi| AW NBNI Mission 

Christ Love Shared in the Hospital

  Gander Memorial Seventh Day Adventist Church had once again gone out to share the Love of Jesus Christ to their neighbours. This time the Church had reached out to the sick in Boram General Hospital of Wewak East Sepik Province. The Church had fed over four hundred sick people including the Medical Staffs who were on Duties. Apart from feeding, Adventist Families shared Literatures and prayers of comfort and healing to the sick.   “We are here not to show ourselves but to share Christ love with you all”. Church Pastor, Gander Memorial Seventh Day Adventist Church. The Church has plans to go out to communities every quarter in feeding the needy and Hungry. Wellington Yaninen, Adventist Watch, 14 th August 2023

Church Growth in Yangoru District of Seventh Day Adventist Church.

  Small Group in Hagama Village of Yangoru Saussia District, East Sepik Province had seen growth in witnessing five precious Souls who declared Jesus as their Personal Savior through the water of Baptism. The Baptism of five Souls on the Sabbath after one-week Stewardship Revival Meeting is the Second Baptism for the Small Group. The Small Group begin in 2020 and seen tremendous growth through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Today more than Ten Baptismal Members are worshiping together with Interest. It was also the first Baptism Conducted by the newly ordained Pastor, Pastor Richie Gako, Sepik Mission Youth Director. The Small Group is now looking forward in Reaching out to share the love of Jesus Christ to others and wining more souls into the Faith. Picture Courtesy of:  Morinje Cintaah Jess, Facebook  Wellington Yaninen, Adventist Watch, 14 th August 2023


  Pathfinder Adventist Clinic is the only Adventist Floating Clinic in Papua New Guinea that serves the beautiful people of the Upper Sepik River. It all began when Mr. Ormond Speck who was a Teacher and Dentist by profession flew to Ambunti with his wife in 1948 as an early Missionary. The help of his wife who had a basic knowledge of Medicine assisted him to diagnose and treat the locals. After him came Pastor David Lamstrong who initiated a staff house that become the basis of the Floating Clinic in 1950. He also brings in two Medical Missionaries Molly (New Zealand) and Jane (Australia) to assist grow the clinic started by Mr. Ormond and his wife. To this date, with three full-time Medical Missionaries, Pathfinder Clinic continues to visit, serve and provide clinics to the locals living in the upper Sepik River. Picture Courtesy of; Sepik Mission SDA Health Services Wellington Yaninen, Adventist Watch, 2023


  Personal Identidy through a team effort is the story people write these days as inseparable part of history. Because there has been many such, and because this is the focus in history today, man has lost the trajectory of HIS STORY. This was one generational misdeed that Nimrod of the ancient world begun (Gen 10) and that forced God, in the ELOHIM's wisdom, to intervene to disperse such a history (Gen 11).  Genesis 11:7 [7]Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” Bible records that Nimrod was a mighty man of valor. From him was born the spirit of citities, a perversion from God's original design of a garden home. Who could imagine, he built  8 of them (cities) when the world then was the valley of shiner, around basin of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Nimrod's greatest advantage, it appears, were one language and a small world, and a spirit immediately after the flood. God did not accept these. God did no


  As Christians, we had been raised to accept Bible to be the Word of God. But the word of God is more than the Bible itself. We don’t have to dwell on reasons to justify. We can read our Bible from Genesis to Revelation and can be lost somewhere, or we can misinterpret God Himself. Lucifer was the angel above all Angels in God’s creation. He was tasked to protect the Law of God. By Protecting God’s Law, He was able to deceive one-third of the Angels in Heaven where there’s no Sin.   We can say the first Deceive was done in the Presence of God. Again, he was successful to deceive Eve and Adam, still in the presence of God. He used the word of God to deceive Eve- Genesis 3:1-4. Eve and Adam don’t know it was a lie after they ate the forbidden fruit. Two things before we close. Firstly, who are we if Devil Can deceive Angles in Heaven and Our First Parents in Eden. Secondly, Devil knew the Word of God better than We. Remember He was the Protector of God’s Law. This Pause a Quest