As Christians, we had been raised to accept Bible to be the Word of God. But the word of God is more than the Bible itself. We don’t have to dwell on reasons to justify. We can read our Bible from Genesis to Revelation and can be lost somewhere, or we can misinterpret God Himself.

Lucifer was the angel above all Angels in God’s creation. He was tasked to protect the Law of God. By Protecting God’s Law, He was able to deceive one-third of the Angels in Heaven where there’s no Sin.  We can say the first Deceive was done in the Presence of God. Again, he was successful to deceive Eve and Adam, still in the presence of God. He used the word of God to deceive Eve- Genesis 3:1-4. Eve and Adam don’t know it was a lie after they ate the forbidden fruit.

Two things before we close. Firstly, who are we if Devil Can deceive Angles in Heaven and Our First Parents in Eden. Secondly, Devil knew the Word of God better than We. Remember He was the Protector of God’s Law.

This Pause a Question that Needs an Answer. What is the Word of God?

In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was God.   John 1:1-2.

John refers to the word of God as Person and that Person is Jesus Christ. Jesus was with God in the Beginning and He is with God and He is God Himself. In Psalm, David refers to the word of God as the Lamp (Psalm 119:105).  The Holy Gospel refers to Jesus the Word of God as the Light of the Word.

To conclude the word of God is more than the Bible. The Word of God is Jesus, Himself. Remember the thief on the Cross? The story on the Cross was amazing about how God’s Grace is and the Power of God’s Word-Jesus. The thief might not have time to read the scroll, but he accepts the word of God. He accepts Jesus at the Cross.

Reading your Bible is more than just reading. It’s all about finding and accepting Jesus the Word of God. 


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