
Showing posts from May, 2023


Only a few short years ago, according to Pew Research and the Gallup Report, over 70% of the people surveyed actually attended Christian church services weekly. Today (2022) Pew Research is publishing 64% based on previous trends while Gallup Report is reporting 38% based on current trends. Their differences in the numbers do not make their published numbers wrong. Both are suggesting that in just a few short years' time, we will come down to what the Bible calls, "The Remnant of Her Seed". I want to put to you very squarly that Christendom cannot continue to live in denial. This message is both for the professed Christian and also for the elect of God. This trend brings to fulfillment the condition of 2 Thessalonians 2:3. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (KJV) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. This condition is not perching alone. This condition truly affirm

A Church without Shelter.

  Mark is the only male who worshiped and served as a Deacon in Yuatri Seventh Day Adventist Church. Yautri Seventh Day Adventist Church is located in Tunap Hunstein Local Level Government of Ambunti Drekiker District, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. The Local Church congregation is made up of only Women and Children. For almost three years the small congregation had been worshiping without a roof over their heads. It was a joyous moment for Mark and his family to take us around their place of worship while we were there with them. Mark in his small voice requested that we could send him Flowerpots to beautify their place of worship. The Small Adventist Family in Yuatri Village only worships during dry sessions and accepts wet sessions. We Praise God for the donations of roofing irons and your prayers. Thank you for your Prayers and Support as we continue construction to build a placec of worship for Mark and his family. Picture: Mark and His Small Family giving their best smil

Christ Coming is not a Tale.

  The Amazing Story of Christ's second coming can be a tale for some, but for the Eastern Heights Adventist Families was a certain truth. Since the last Year 2022, Eastern Heights Seventh Adventist Families had been going out to the Communities, meeting strangers, and reminding everyone they can about Christ's Amazing Second Coming. A few days ago on an early Sabbath morning, the Families with other Adventist Families delivered free Breakfast to three Hundred People at Koikin Village in Wewak Town, East Sepik Province. Henny was one of the Children who were the recipients of the program. "I'm surprised to see strangers serving Breakfast next to my House," Said Henny. So far Eastern Heights Adventist Families had fed over One Thousand People and reminded them about Christ Coming. They will be feeding the Prisoners in #adventistwatch their next program. "We don't have time to wait, Christ is coming, and we are responsible to tell others about Christ Comin